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Date : 2021.07.15 10:56:19
Name : °ü¸®ÀÚ Hits : 1104
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Hallo, Willkommen!
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For 40 years, the injury rate among endurance runners has been constant at 50 percent - despite high-tech shoes and sophisticated cushioning systems. How can that be?

In its early history, most likely people ran barefoot. He hunted his prey continuously until it was exhausted and killed. Today's shoes are designed to protect athletes and make running easier and healthier.

​However, without footwear, it is primarily the forefoot that is stressed, which acts like a spring that cushions the sudden stress. We owe this to our muscles. When we wear shoes, we put our heels on - because we've learned that rolling is healthier. However, that is not true. The sudden impact on the bone under the heel is transmitted to the hip and can often result in injuries to the knee, shin or Achilles tendon. Means: walking barefoot is healthy. But the switch is tricky. Because when we walk we should roll off the heel, but not when we walk.

​Running barefoot also has other advantages: the foot muscles are strengthened. This promotes jumping ability or balance, for example. Cornea also forms over time, which protects against damage from the subsurface.

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